Flow State + Play

Have you ever wondered why our RIE® Parent-Child classes are an hour and a half 🤔

Some of you might be thinking, well, why can't I just drop in? 

Why can't I just come to one class? 

It's not really a one-off kind of thing because the overall feeling we’re striving for is one that considers how can we be relaxed and at ease? All of us? The parents, facilitators and the children especially.

It’s helpful to consider the conditions that enable a kind of flow state.

What helps or enables you to get into a flow state?

At Nurtured Child, we consider the length of time we have for “warming in” and for play and discussion.

We consider how the space is set-up with play objects and gross motor equipment.

We consider how many children are in the classes, their level of development and interests.

We consider how many times the classes meet to allow for ample time to build into that place of feeling comfortable, feeling good and having a sense that the play space is yours.

Because it is!

Our play spaces and classes are prepared for you and your children - for them to explore and be free in. 

What do you think? What helps you get into a flow state? Have you considered a flow state when you think of your children’s play?

We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email us and let us know at hello@nurturedchild.com.

Our Spring Term begins the first week in April, and we have limited spaces available in Brooklyn and Manhattan for families with children ages 2 to 16 months. We’d love for you to join us!


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