Get to know us! Q&A with Nurtured Child Facilitator Leith Speer Barton
When did you first hear about RIE®?
I found out about RIE through a rather random blog post on a blog that no longer exists called Cricket’s Circle. The blog post outlined the “7 Most Popular Styles of Parenting” at the time - this was 2015! There was a little blurb about each style with a few books listed for more information. Realizing I had done so much research on pregnancy and birth, but none on parenting, I promptly checked ALL of them out from the library. Baby Knows Best by fellow RIE Associate Deborah Carlisle Solomon resonated with me right away.
What felt different about RIE that made you want to explore it further?
Like so many, I was struggling with so many questions: Do I need to entertain my child? How much stimulation is too much stimulation? What about Baby Einstein?! And the common practice of cutesy “baby talk” just didn’t feel right ... I wanted to learn more so I wrote to Deborah thanking her for her beautiful book and asking how I could learn more. When she learned I was in New York, she suggested in-person RIE Parent-Infant Guidance classes. I ended up enrolling in classes with Anna Ruth, and they were truly a breath of fresh air. Immediately I was able to connect with a supportive, non-judgemental community. I could discuss what I was going through in real time and hear feedback from other families with children the same age. Anna Ruth offered such subtle but sage guidance that empowered me and helped me build the confidence that has been so helpful on my journey as a parent to now two children. When I first started taking classes with Anna Ruth, my first child was about five months old.
When was it clear to you that you wanted RIE to be the focus of your work?
Pretty quickly I could see that there’s more to RIE than meets the eye. This approach to caring for our youngest children applies to all relationships because the foundation is respect and the only way to practice this approach is through doing - through practicing. We practice how to be in relationship in a way that honors everyone in the relationship. I see my children as whole, fully formed people because they are. Their individual likes, dislikes and preferences don’t matter any less because they’re smaller than I am. AND I am a person in the relationship too. How can we be together in a way that honors and respects us both. RIE has helped me learn about how to be a better person and also how to acknowledge my humanness. I make mistakes like everyone. How can I show the same grace to myself that I show my children and vice versa. When I started talking about this work and sharing it with my family and friends, I could see how impactful it is.
Previously I was a brand consultant and creative director. My job was to help companies figure out what they were doing well and how to do it better. Now I get to do this work with families What could be better!
What are your favorite things about facilitating classes?
Oh wow! So many!! But I have to say - coming to class as a parent myself - I am just so thrilled to be able to offer a space to parents that is truly for them. It’s no secret that parents and especially new mothers are largely forgotten - particularly in the United States. We offer a play space and studio that is peaceful and calm and beyond that it’s physically and emotionally safe for child and parent. We discuss daily triumphs and welcome them as much as we do the challenges and struggles that are a part of life. We’re truly “living life together,” as Anna Ruth likes to say. It’s beautiful and humbling and just so wonderful to be able to gather in this way.
What is something that has surprised you?
What a gifted writer Madga Gerber was! She was a linguist, and I am so often moved by the simplicity and tenderness of her words and her writing. You can learn more about her here -
How long have you lived in New York?
21 years!
What's the first thing you suggest to people visiting from out of town?
Walk and walk and walk and walk some more. My favorite favorite thing to do is wander.
What's your favorite thing about New York? About living in New York?
The people! We’re a vibrant, lively bunch with opinions and places to be AND hearts of gold. We’re driven, determined and set on changing the world. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
What makes New York families unique?
We’re resourceful, not easily discouraged and - in my experience - tremendously supportive of one another. The culture is very much that the city is an extension of our homes - the playgrounds our living room. Especially with children, you can get to know your neighbors well really quickly. The feeling is very much that we’re in it together with seasoned parents guiding newer parents. It can be such a beautiful thing.
Get to know our other Facilitator & Founder, Anna Ruth Myers >