In our RIE® Before Baby™ class, we dedicate time to thinking together about respect. Respect is the foundation of the RIE Approach, but what does that really mean? How do we define respect? How is respecting infants the same – and how is it different – from respecting adults?

Respecting infants involves acknowledging and treating them as complete individuals from the very beginning of life. This perspective emphasizes understanding and responding to their needs, feelings, and developmental stages with empathy, care, and attentiveness.

Here are some concreate ways to show respect to infants:

1. Responding to their needs: Understanding and addressing a baby’s need for food, sleep, or a diaper change shows respect for their comfort and well-being.

2. Engaging in attentive and responsive dialogue: Infants are skilled communicators. They communicate in many ways, including sounds, facial expressions, and body movements. Responding to what they are saying shows that you listen and value their communication.

3. Consistent and empathetic care: Providing dependable and nurturing care routines reassures them that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

4. Providing focused attention: When caring for an infant, give them your full attention to express respect and love.

5. Recognizing their individuality: Every infant has a unique personality and preferences. Respecting babies means paying attention to their likes and dislikes and adapting care to suit their individual needs.

6. Allowing them time and space to explore: Providing opportunities for infants to explore their environment safely and at their own pace shows respect for their natural curiosity and learning processes.

7. Protecting their autonomy: Even at a very young age, babies can be responsible for making decisions about their life. For example, they can (and should!) decide when they are done eating. Respecting choices within safe boundaries shows respect for their agency.

8. Speaking about and to them with respect: Infants understand much more than we give them credit for! In addition to the words, the tone and intent behind how adults speak about and to infants can impact their sense of security and self-worth and self-respect.

In essence, respecting infants means valuing them as human beings with rights, preferences, and feelings – and treating them with the kindness, empathy, and understanding that is the birthright of everyone.


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